Lawn Maintenance

Lawn Maintenance Services

We'll work with you and the needs of your landscape to create the maintenance schedule that's right for you, offering:

  • Mowing
  • Sodding
  • Seeding
  • Over Seeding
  • Aeration
  • Insect & Disease Control
  • Weed Control
  • Damage Repair

Lawn Mowing

Our attention to detail sets us apart from other lawn mowing companies. Our team is trained to follow these protocols:


We sharpen our lawnmower blades daily.

We blow off all mulch beds and hard surfaces.

Every crew is equipped with a push mower for turf areas which are not accessible with a larger machine.

We stripe all open areas.

When it is necessary, we double cut and/or blow excess clippings from the turf areas.


We do not cut in the same direction every time.

When changing directions, we do not turn our mowers so sharply that it creates a bare spot.

We do not trim so closely that it kills existing turf and creates bare areas for weed seeds to germinate.

We do not cut wet areas with large machines as it causes extensive damage to the turf.

We do not cut recklessly over rough terrain leaving behind scalp marks.

Turf Maintenance Program

Our 5 step basic program includes:

  1. A spring granular fertilizer application with crabgrass preventative
  2. A liquid broadleaf/post-emergent crabgrass combination application
  3. A granular fertilizer application with grub control
  4. A liquid broadleaf/insecticide combination application
  5. Aeration, over seeding and fertilization

Fungicide and post emergent Nutsedge applications are made on an as needed basis. These services are billed on a time and material basis.

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